
Media Mentions

Jelurida’s Lior Yaffe talks building and battle-testing a blockchain

Nasdaq: The article is an interview with Lior Yaffe, co-founder and director of Jelurida. Lior discusses the challenges of building and testing a blockchain and the different design goals between various platforms regarding security, scalability, and the level of decentralization. He also presents Jelurida’s main projects, which include Ardor blockchain, Ignis child chain, and Nxt blockchain, and how they are working to address these challenges. The article also provides insights into blockchain development's technical and practical aspects and the industry's importance of collaboration and innovation.

March 15, 2023

Bridge Champ漏洞奖励计划上线

WeChat: This article covers the Bug Bounty Program launched for the first time by Bridge Champ to encourage external experts to identify and report any vulnerabilities or game bugs. Based on the participation requirements, the team offers reward payments in IGNIS, depending on the reports' severity classes, as further explained in the dedicated article.

March 06, 2023

15.02.2023 CoinPost
NFTゲーム「Mythical Beings」、ストラテジーゲーム立ち上げへ

CoinPost: The NFT card collection game in the Ardor ecosystem, Mythical Beings, has recently announced its latest roadmap for 2023. Among other exciting new features and the upcoming Season 6, the team has also announced launching Battlegrounds, the P2E strategy game in the MB ecosystem, soon.

February 15, 2023

NFT + 桥牌:游戏Bridge Champ v1.0.1将在本周上线

Chain Game Portal: This Chinese article covers the Bridge Champ game's latest development. Besides, the Bridge Champ team has recently started an advertising campaign on Bridge Winners, one of the most visited websites by the bridge community.

February 14, 2023

14.02.2023-Chain Game Portal
Mythical Beings NFT收藏卡牌解析

WeChat: This article covers Mythical Beings, the unique NFT card collection game in the Ardor ecosystem. Unlike other NFT collections, Mythical Beings is not just an endless card collection but features mythical culture, and artistic and educational values behind each card, on which is based the level of scarcity: common, epic, rare, and special. Besides, cards can be bought or traded, crafted or morphed and, when the collection is completed, players receive rewards from the Jackpot with in-game GEM tokens and the opportunity to get special card rewards.

February 7, 2023

Mythical Beings游戏更新:GEM市场上线!

Coin Trust: This Chinese media article covers all the amazing features of Mythical Beings, which is beyond an NFT card collection in the Ardor ecosystem. You can collect more than 50 mythical creatures from all over the world, and new ones are released each season. While collecting, you get access to the painting, the myth and the culture behind each creature. Mythical Beings cards can be used for crafting, morphing, or exchanging them with other players based on their level: common, rare, epic, and special. Last but not least, it is a Play-To-Earn game. Therefore, when you complete the collection you can claim the jackpot – a GEM reward (the in-game currency) of 60% of all sales income distributed among the users with all cards, and the chance to get a special card.

January 17, 2023
