
Media Mentions

Austrian government makes blockchain award for COVID-19 solutions

Ledger Insights: The Austrian government recently awarded a €60,000 ($67,000) grant to a COVID-19 prevention research project utilizing the Ardor blockchain. Called QualiSig, the project was initiated by A-Trust and Danube University Krems with Ardor developer Jelurida as the consulting partner.

June 19, 2020

Ardor Blockchain Project Receives Slice of $26M Government Grant for Tackling Covid-19

ZyCrypto: Jelurida, the software development company that maintains the Ardor and Nxt blockchains, will support A-Trust with building out its solution in a consultancy capacity. Ignis, a child chain of Ardor, will be used to develop a market-ready prototype, with blockchain used to store encrypted data. A-Trust’s solution has a number of applications in tackling Covid-19 including verifying the identity of testers attending households to check for cases of infection. Citizens will be able to use A-Trust’s signature verification technology to establish the tester’s credentials by scanning a barcode that has been signed by the testing agency, verifying that it has not been tampered with in any way.

June 18, 2020

Austrian Government to Utilize Ardor Blockchain for Secure COVID-19 Data Comms Pilot

Yahoo finance: One of Jelurida's flagship products, the Ardor child chain Ignis, will be utilized by a new research project aiming to facilitate secure communication between Austrian authorities, institutions and citizens. Jelurida will participate as a key partner and provide consultancy for the QualiSig project. Launched by Austrian trust service provider (A-Trust) in partnership with several organizations including the Donau-Universität Krems, QualiSig's goal is to ensure secure communication channels for data exchange between citizens, government agencies, and institutions commissioned by authorities in times of crisis.

June 18, 2020

Ihold digest

Ihodl (Spanish): El Ministerio Federal de Asuntos Económicos y Digitales del país concedió ayer miércoles una subvención de 60.000 euros (67.600 dólares) a un proyecto llamado QualiSig, que utiliza elementos del sistema de identidad digital de Austria para crear tres prototipos relacionados con el covid-19 en torno a la prevención del fraude, las noticias falsas y los datos sanitarios, según un comunicado de prensa compartido con iHodl. Los prototipos de QualiSig utilizan el blockchain de Ardor desarrollado por la empresa suiza Jelurida y su sistema de tokens Ignis.

June 18, 2020

Austrian Government Grants Ardor Blockchain-Powered Project Share of $26M COVID-19 Tech Fund

Coinspeaker: The Austrian government has allocated $26 million to support COVID-fighting startups, with one blockchain-related venture in line for a share of the funds. QualiSig was developed by A-Trust GmbH, the Austrian Trust Center responsible for managing the digital identities of domestic citizens. Research institute Donau-Universität Krems and software company Jelurida were also heavily involved in bringing the solution to fruition. The project received a €60,000 grant from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, to be built on Jelurida’s Ardor blockchain.

June 18, 2020

Coindesk Bitcoin News Roundup for June 18, 2020

Coindesk: With an Austrian app that aims to track COVID-19 now including blockchain, CoinDesk’s Markets Daily Bitcoin news roundup is back! Austria’s economic affairs ministry awarded a $67,600 grant to a project called QualiSig, which uses the Ardor blockchain to verify COVID-19 testing.

June 18, 2020
