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20210219 L Blockonomi Jelurida
Jelurida: The Company Behind the NXT & Ardor Blockchains

Blockonomy: Jelurida is a pioneer of energy-efficient blockchain solutions and interoperable multichain networks. The company has developed two notable blockchain platforms – Nxt and Ardor, along with the first Child Chain, Ignis. Jeluria’s team has utilized its expertise on the design and implementation of blockchain-based business solutions and decentralized applications. They work on projects right from network setup, conceptualization, development, and maintenance. This article explores the ins and outs of Jelurida and what the platform offers.

Nxt is considered the first blockchain to be built entirely based on a proof-of-stake consensus protocol.

Ardor is a multichain blockchain platform is built on a unique parent-child chain architecture. The parent Ardor chain is responsible for safekeeping the entire network, whereas the interoperable child chain is loaded with rich functionalities.

February 19, 2021

NFTs Are Set to Become 2021’s Biggest Hit – But Speculation Isn’t the Only Utility

BTC Manager: Mythical Beasts of the World offers users the chance to purchase a starting deck of three digital NFT-based trading cards for just a few €. The project will issue a total of 50 individual cards, each one featuring the artwork of a mythical creature created by artist Ana Santiso, accompanied by a description of their cultural significance in their country of origin. There will be ten cards released per continent, with 30 available in the initial set and more released each month until there are 50 available in total. Cards will be issued in a limited number of copies and classified according to their scarcity as common, rare, or epic. Tarasca is using the Ardor blockchain to create the cards, so all users will hold their cards in an Ardor account and can trade their duplicates in the Ardor decentralized exchange. Although Tarasca doesn’t intend to create the kind of crazy speculation seen in other NFTs, the game developers believe that the cards will eventually be priced on the secondary market by supply and demand forces, with the epic cards naturally changing hands for higher prices.

February 16, 2021

20210216 R BTCManager NFT
20210216 L Coinpost Tarasca

CoinPost: スケーラビリティ向上に特化したブロックチェーンプロジェクト、アーダー(Ardor)のエコシステム内に構築されたゲームプラットフォーム「Tarasca」が、自身の主要プロダクトの開発および販売計画を発表した。 Tarascaは現在、コレクタブル(収集系)ゲーム「Mythical Beings(直訳:伝説上の生物)」、および現実世界で利用される物理的なボードゲームの開発を行っている。Tarascaによると、Mythical Beingsでは現在、内部の最終テストが実施されている。内部テストが終了し次第、約2週間後を目処にアーダーコミュニティへ公開。その後15日間にわたってコミュニティによるパブリックテストを行った後、3月に正式にローンチされる予定だ。 ボードゲームに関しては、3月末または4月にクラウドファンディングで販売が予定されている。ボードゲーム購入者には、プロジェクトをサポートしてくれる謝礼として、Mythical Beingsのデジタルカード1パックが贈与される。購入者は、希少性の高いレアカードも選択可能だという。

February 16, 2021

What is Tarasca? NFTs Meet DAOs on the Ardor Platform

ZyCrypto: Mythical Creatures designer Ana Santiso explains: “Artistic services in a digital environment need a blockchain that facilitates registration, tokenization, and exchange, and that allows the user transactions without fees. Ardor solves our problems in a simple way, and we can focus on our products.” Furthermore, Tarasca is the first DAO to set up a home on Ardor. A blog post explaining the mechanics of the Tarasca DAO states that security is the main advantage of using Ardor because there’s no need to code smart contracts from scratch, avoiding the risks that have faced other initiatives such as Ethereum’s The DAO. Furthermore, the Tarasca DAO takes advantage of other ready-made tools available within the Ardor and Ignis platforms, including a voting system, messaging system, and features such as account controls.

February 12, 2021

20210212 R ZyCrypto Tarasca
20210211 L IHold Sustainable
Sustainable Development with Blockchain - The Apps Building on Ardor

ihodl: During the last cryptocurrency bull run in 2017, there was significant interest in applying blockchain to a wide variety of use cases. As the hype of the rally died down, unfortunately, so did the general level of enthusiasm about blockchain technology before many use cases developed to their true potential. With the benefit of hindsight, this conflation of blockchain's utility with the price of cryptocurrencies was a mistake. The Ardor blockchain is a testament to this view. Ardor launched at the absolute peak of the last crypto bull cycle in January 2018. Over the subsequent years, Jelurida, the company that operates Ardor, has invested in attracting developers who are making many of the originally-touted use cases for blockchain into a reality. At the same time, the firm has been expanding into new markets to bring blockchain to businesses around the world. One thing that's striking about Ardor's development activity is that the platform appears to have found a niche in promoting and supporting blockchain for sustainable development.

February 11, 2021

Central Bank of Nigeria Denies It Has Placed New Restrictions on Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin.com: In the meantime, as anger at the directive to banks grows, the CBN’s statement explaining this decision is seemingly failing to calm nerves. Some crypto players have suggested they might have to leave their country of birth and seek opportunities elsewhere. However, for some crypto players like Adedayo Adebajo, this CBN decision was inevitable. Adebajo, who is the managing director at Jelurida Africa, a consultancy firm, points to the recent Endsars protests as one factor that contributed to this changed approach by the central bank. Towards the end of 2020, when the CBN ordered the freezing of bank accounts that were associated with leaders of the Endsars protest movement, organizers began to ask for donations in bitcoin instead. As a result, donations to bankroll the Endsars continued to flow in and this has since inspired other activists as Adebajo explains

February 10, 2021

20210210 R Bitcoin.com Nigeria